Our Fight

Muslim Convert Sets Off Bomb

There was a time in Muslim history when a Muslim leader sent a warring general his doctor when he heard of him being ill, and now where are we? It seems now there are Muslims that are ok with convincing mentally challenged people to blow up families with their children at dinnertime. These are the cowards, the filth that ruin al our efforts as peaceful, tolerant Muslims. So let me ask you this? Isn’t it possible that we have greater problems to discuss than Zionists? When an Israeli soldier shoots a boy and his father who are innocent bystanders, it is nothing less than a horrific act, a horrible act that directly affects two people. But when a spineless Muslim cleric “recruits” a mentally challenged youth to hurt innocent people, it affects 1.6 Billion Muslims directly. Because this is how we are now seen, as people who are soulless and horribly misguided by our religion. There is an important fight going on in our world today, and it is not a fight against any race, religion or political belief, it is a fight against ignorance. When Muslims in Britain are ignorant enough to let this happen, it hurts each and every one of us. Therefore when we go and organize a Justice in Palestine week to show people the plight of the Palestinians, it is completely useless, we have absolutely zero credibility left to stand on. When one day it’s a handicapped boy in Britain and the next its mentally challenged suicide bombers in Iraq and the next is little children with explosives, how do we expect to stand up before the people of the world who hear and see these crimes against humanity and tell them about how we are suffering in other parts of the world, or how we are being oppressed in a country on the other side of the globe. There is a duty for each and every one of us to fight against the Muslims who are raping our religion and our integrity. But this is not a fight fought with weaponry, organization or bloodshed, far from that it is a fight fought with kindness. Now I know this will start to sound like hippie crap right now but it’s necessary for a fight we are losing. When we go out into the cities we live in we must shower everyone we meet with kindness, and love, I once heard a Christian priest tell his followers “treat everyone you meet as if they were going to die at midnight.” This is powerful and effective, because people’s personal experience with you and your kindness, your going out of your way for them, your selflessness and your courage will ring louder in their hearts than a clerics attempt at killing people ever will.


JamalDw said...
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JamalDw said...

Salam bro,

I see your point in that there are indeed Muslims who are not following the religion of Islam due to the fact that they're mindlessly killing and murdering innocent civilians, but you need to clearly state that those individuals are doing so under their own personal pretense; not the true Islamic teachings. They are falsely representing Islam in the worst way possible.

I read your piece as unbiasedly as I could, and honestly, if I wasn't Muslim, all I really would get out of your it is that Muslims are violent and insane, unlike other peaceful religions (i.e. Christianity….). Don't get me wrong, Christianity's teachings itself may not preach terrorism or violence, but make sure you point that in every religion there are individuals who act upon their own desires, rather then the religion itself. In every religion there are psychotic and ignorant extremists who commit absolutely disgusting acts; Islam’s extremists just happen to be constantly on the media.

When you said that “…therefore when we go and organize a Justice in Palestine week to show people the plight of the Palestinians, it is completely useless,” you basically shut down any means of activism for the human rights for everyone. The reason why I say this is because EVERY religion, EVERY race, EVERY large community of people have individuals acting against the general consensus of that group. Are you saying that because those individuals are committing atrocities, the group that those people belong to should not even attempt at trying to fix it by defending those without a voice because it’s “useless?” Why should the people in Palestine pay for the acts of some unislamic and ignorant people of their religion? Mind you, the people suffering in Palestine are not only Muslims; there are a great deal of Christians in Palestine. Should they also be shut down because of things that they have absolutely no control of? By holding JPW, you’re not only defending the poor, innocent civilians in Palestine, but also lessening the ever-growing ignorance in our world and on our campus.

Although you left us with a peaceful quote from a Christian priest, I will leave you with several from our Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Because Islam and the prophet teach the very kindness and love that you are searching for:

"Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them" - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Do not consider any act of kindness insignificant, even meeting your brother with a cheerful face" - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

"Beware of extremism, for verily, the nations before you were destroyed because of it" - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Assist any person oppressed, whether Muslim or non-Muslim" - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)