Ground Zero


Unfortunately very true

Everything You Know About Iran is Wrong


Great article about the reality of the Iranian situation by CNN's Fareed Zakaria.


Obama Meets with Netanyahu


I love how they cut to Rahm, it's a subtle point by the AP but surprisingly it's there.

Terrorist/Prime Minister

This is an excerpt from the Wikipedia article on David Ben-Gurion,

Palestinian Arabs

Nahum Goldman, former president of the World Jewish Congress, wrote of Ben-Gurion: "I have often asked myself why this clever, brilliant man, ... why a man like that failed to see that without an agreement with the Arabs, Israel would have no long-term future"[2]. Goldman wrote that "Ben-Gurion is the man principally responsible for the anti-Arab policy, because it was he who moulded the thinking of generations of Israelis"[2].

Ben-Gurion recognized the strong attachment of Palestinian Arabs to the land but hoped that this would be overcome in time. In a conversation about "the Arab problem" in 1956, Goldman wrote that Ben-Gurion stated: "Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country ... There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that? They may perhaps forget in one or two generations' time, but for the moment there is no chance. So it is simple: we have to stay strong and maintain a powerful army"[2]

The view that Ben-Gurion's assessment of Arab feelings led him to emphasize the need to build up Jewish military strength is supported by Simha Flapan, who quoted Ben-Gurion as stating in 1938: "I believe in our power, in our power which will grow, and if it will grow agreement will come...".[3]
[2] Nahum Goldman, 'The Jewish Paradox', translated by Steve Cox, 1978, ISBN 0-448-15166-9, p. 98, p. 100, p. 99
[3] Simha Flapan, 'Zionism and the Palestinians', 1979, ISBN 0-85664-499-4, p. 142-144

What's interesting is that, a few years ago when I read the wikipedia article about the Bombing of the King David Hotel, it clearly mentioned that Ben-Gurion was involved with the attacks, but the article has been revised and now it just says he condemned the attacks. So I did a little research and found another website that has the original wikipedia entry which states:

The attack was initially ordered by David Ben Gurion, who was in the United States, but he later changed his mind and ordered the bombing to be cancelled. But Menachem Begin, the head of Irgun, went ahead anyway. Both Ben Gurion and Begin would later become Israeli Prime Ministers. The attack was commanded by Yosef Avni and Yisrael Levi .

Now, it's clear that Ben-Gurion did not approve of the attack, while he did know about it, he did end up condemning it, but what's frightening is that the man who did carry out the attack, Menachem Begin, who at the time was head of the Irgun, went on to become the 6th prime minister of Israel.

The Irgun was a zionist group, that is listed as a terrorist organization by countless media sources and the by the British government. Fast forward to July 2006, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a former member of the Irgun, actually attended a celebration of the King David Hotel Bombing.

Now, one could argue in defense of the Zionists saying that terrorism is subjective, these were freedom fighters, just like the American founding fathers, they fought the British in whatever manner they could. But the gaping hole in that argument is that the Americans were fighting for their freedom on their land, they were in a war with the British, they were fighting off British tyranny however they could. Whereas the zionists were not in a war with anybody, instead they were part of a movement that really only affected them and the Palestinian people whose country they were living in. They wantonly carried out a barrage of "terrorist" attacks to reach the goal of their movement. So comparing them to our founding fathers would be drawing a very weak connection.

The Irgun was responsible for over 60 terrorist attacks (list link) and they are recognized as a terrorist organization. What's alarming is that their members, which are called terrorists, are, till this day, being elected into public office in the state of Israel. This reminds me of the story of Alexander the Great, when Alexander captured a very notorious pirate, the pirate told him, I am called a pirate because I steal, pillage and kill with one boat and a crew, while you are called an emperor because you do it with an entire army.

Which side am I on? The side of peace, I don't want to turn on the news and see anymore Israeli children blown up at a mall, I don't want to get in my car and hear about Palestinians not being given access to medical equipment. I genuinely pray for peace everyday, because in this bloodshed we lose who we really are. I truly believe both the Palestinians and the Israelis have lost touch with who they are, to the point that both sides are electing terrorists to public office. Of course we can no longer call them terrorists because they are the elected government, but the underlying truth is still there. The people who are in control are the same people who do not care about peace, or the loss of life, they care about getting what they want through whatever means possible, even if it means completely forgetting what really matters.

Obama being Tough on Israel


An article about Obama saying no more blank cheques for Israel, I would summarize it but it's better if you just read the whole thing.


Don't Fear the Sungod, only Fear God


Here's to being rational... Every year on may 15th the MSA panics and thinks that every single Muslim on campus is making it their personal goal to go to sungod festival. Let's stop and think about this for a second, IF there were a large group of muslims planning on getting drunk with friends and going to sungod, do you really think they would come to Jumma prayer and then get dissuaded by an MSA BBQ at the bay? Now lets say there's another group that decided to go to sungod but they refuse to drink, they just want to hang out with friends and see the shows. Do you think they would leave the biggest celebration of the year at UCSD for a barbeque with the MSA? Again lets be rational, that's obviously not going to happen, instead, by borderline begging people not to attend sungod you're going to make the people who didn't even think about attending feel that a lot of muslims are going, and that they might be missing out on something fun. Granted sungod is a dark gray area for a muslim to be, we should not be going out of our way to tell people not to go. Instead we should be ignoring it, or even joking about going to it, in order to make the people who are going feel like nobody is really going. But this whole "sungod is haram" fear tactic isn't effective, in fact it is counter productive. We're essentially making the sungod into a modern day boogie man and by doing so we are engaging the curiosity of the members in our community that haven't gone. So please, for the sake of being rational, don't fear the sungod, just fear God and all will be right.

Israeli U.S Relations


Is Israel Heading for Clash with US?

It's really interesting reading a European newspaper and reading words like "occupied west bank" it's really different than what we read here in the states



Funny Teacher


The Hijab


This is an interesting concept that I've heard before, with regards to the verses in the Quran, 24:31 and 33:59 seem to be the only two verses that address a woman's dress code, and neither of them really endorse the "hijab" as we know it today. People will also refer to the Hadith about a woman showing only her hands, feet and face, but that Hadith is classified as weak so take what you will from it. Now to be clear, I am a supporter of the hijab I think it's an amazing show of modesty and discipline in an increasingly immodest society, but I think it's important we evaluate why we practice our religion the way we do so that we may weed out the practices that are a result of cultural influence rather than true Islam. Let me know what you guys think.

Fibonacci Sequences in Nature


Fibonacci sequences found in nature, pretty awesome stuff

Hit the jump for the article

Environmental Graffiti

Human Rights


It's really great that we're closing the damn thing down, its genuinely unamerican.

For your viewing pleasure

You can spend hours at this site: Big Picture

Obama To Give Speech In Egypt


The speech, fulfilling an Obama campaign promise, will focus on how Americans and Muslims abroad can secure the "safety and security" of their children in a more hopeful future, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said.

I really like the fact that he's trying to reach out to the 99% of muslims that aren't crazy.

Somali Pirates

An interesting and somewhat complex view of pirating in somalia.

Air Strike in Afghanistan


This is why we are here on this earth, this is why we go to University, it is a duty upon us, as people who have a clear advantage over everyone else in the world, to use our education, to use our political influence to prevent things like this from ever happening. This is why we have to strive for excellence, anything less than excellent will not suffice in our efforts to make a difference.

Swine Flu in Afghanistan


In a precautionary effort Afghanistan has quarantined it's pig population to protect the country from the swine flu epidemic that is sweeping the globe. Last year china donated a pig to the Afghanistan zoo and the pig population skyrocketed from 0 to 1. The one pig is currently under quarantine and safe from infection.

"There are no pig farms in Afghanistan and no direct civilian flights between Kabul and Mexico."

Must read : Reuters

Biden Also Angry at Israel

I have to say, 90% of what this guy says is pretty lame but that 10% is his saving grace. Plus, I always can feel safer about a politician if they're not mega millionaires.

Biden said at an AIPAC conference:

"Israel has to work toward a two-state solution," he said. "You're not going to like my saying this, but [don't] build more settlements, dismantle existing outposts, and allow Palestinians freedom of movement."

You wouldn't like the UN when it's angry, actually there's no difference

Apparently the UN is mad at Israel for destroying UN property on Palestinian ground, honestly after Kofi Anan and the whole Iraq war debate in the Security Council, I doubt anybody gives a crap about what the UN thinks.

via nytimes

Bill Clinton On Democracy in Palestine




The torture debate has been going on for a while now, I thought this was an interesting statistic

Narrated Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet said, "A woman entered the (Hell) Fire because of a cat which she had tied, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from the vermin of the earth."

I think it's safe to assume that if a woman was sent to hell for torturing a cat then torture is not an Islamic quality, in fact it is extremely reprehensible no matter who is being tortured. All experts agree that torture is not an effective way of getting information out of somebody.

Via Christians and Torture